How to Get the Freshest Seafood in Savannah Georgia

Savannah, Georgia is the place to experience true southern hospitality, rich cultural history, beautiful architecture, lively nightlife scenery, and of course, great food — especially seafood!  Savannah is one of the best places to enjoy seafood in the entire country. Aside from dining out at one of the city’s amazing five-star restaurants, there are a number of other ways to get your hands on some tasty treats from the sea. Read on to discover four tips to help you find the best fresh seafood in Savannah.

1. Catch Yourself a Dinner

Fishing in Savannah

Shrimp and Crab are in the high season until late fall, and the coastal waterways that wrap around half of the city are filled with perfect crabbing and shrimping spots.  Although many of the locals who catch their own will tell you their favorite spots are closely guarded secrets, the truth is anywhere along the marsh tributaries at the right time of year can offer a pretty good yield.  The cost of equipment is quite reasonable if you find a public dock to stand on and cast a net or a crab line.  You’ll spend less than eighty dollars for a good shrimp net and crabbing is doable with some string, a scoop net, and a few chicken necks – although you may have to spend a great deal of time being patient!

Catching your own crab may not be the easiest way to get dinner, but it’s certainly the most satisfying–not to mention fun. Crabbing is legal throughout the year in Georgia, but there are some regulations that you will need to heed. For both shrimping and crabbing, a recreational fishing license is required, and for trap crabbing, you will only be allowed to use a maximum of six crab baskets. If you are alone on your boat, you can keep one bushel per day. If you have other people with you, then two bushels are allowed. Also, be sure to throw back any male crabs that are smaller than five inches, and any females that are carrying roe (orange “sponge” on the belly).

2. Get it Delivered

Savannah Seafood Delivery

Once the cold of winter arrives, tis the season for delicious, fresh local oysters.  If you aren’t the aquatic type and don’t fancy a battle with an oyster bed (those razor-sharp oyster shells are not the friendliest of foes), then delivery may be a better option for you. There are many local vendors who will deliver fresh oysters and other seafood directly to your door.  Be sure to check reviews for different delivery services to see which ones can provide the service and freshness of the product that you are after.

One option that satisfies both the appetite and the social obligation is having the crew that delivers the oysters to deliver the whole oyster-roast set up, and start the fire and steam the bushels and shovel them steaming onto the rented wooden shuckin’ tables.  Your guests will love you forever for the privilege of standing around chatting and eating their fill of perfectly “done” mollusks.  One creative trick is to hide a party favor inside one of the oysters to surprise a lucky guest.  I’ve seen this done with a diamond ring.

3. Buy it Straight Off the Boat

Fish Markets in Savannah

There are a number of markets in Savannah that offer fresh, right off the boat seafood, and can be found easily online or on any smartphone Places or Google Search app. The seafood sold in supermarkets does not compare in freshness or quality to that which comes straight from the sea, and a trip to these markets is definitely worth the time for any seafood lover.

4. When in Doubt, Ask the Locals

Even if you’re looking forward to using your own fishing rod off the Tybee Island Pier, you might be staying in one of the hotels in Midtown Savannah and need to find a good restaurant after your catch-and-release day of fun.  Not to worry; People who have been living in Savannah for years are the best at giving advice about where to get the freshest seafood dinners. Take the time to talk to a few locals about their preferences for seafood markets, high-quality restaurants, or even outdoor seafood cafes.

Residents of Savannah are warm and hospitable and love helping people find their way around the city. All you need to do is ask, and almost everyone will give some advice and steer you in a good direction to help you find your perfect seafood outing. 

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